So I am going to find topics or questions and give my opinions on them… until I find something I really want to get my teeth into.

Anyone have there own views feel free to comment 😀

So the question is… If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3 things, what would you choose to bring and why?

I used to always get asked this as a kid and always said… my toys or mum to come help me with everything. But now I am older I think it would be a lot different. The first thing I would bring would be a compact knife with all the other attachments. Because you could cut things, such as wood for a fire, or help cut down the wood to build a shelter. There would be different devises you could use to cook food I found around the island and in the case of cocoanuts.. hack them open. Lots of thing to help out for many different situations. 

The second thing I would bring would be my dog… why for companionship, she would help me stay sane while I was all alone. She would  help alert me to danger such as other animals near the camp or bad weather. I would be lost without her… So she would come with me. 

The third thing I would bring, has got to be a clear bottle… Now this is weird but there is reason for the madness. A clear bottle can send a message within it, hoping finding a way for people to save me. Also if water is sparse you could use your own urine and cover in within the sand and within a day… the wee has turned into water… a water supple although it wouldn’t last for long without having proper nutrients.       

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